$42 free cryptocurrency for US residents when you deposit and purchase $100 of bitcoin ($62 if you set up recurring weekly purchase)
If you are curious about bitcoin investing check out this bitcoin savings calculator here:
Dollar cost averaging bitcoin savings calculator
Set up an account on coinbase.com
- Create an account on coinbase.com (double check that the url starts with https://coinbase.com)
- Verify your account and transfer $100
- Buy bitcoin and receive $10 in free bitcoin. You can sell it immediately or hold it for the future. If you also purchase bitcoin on a schedule then you will also receive $10 of free bitcoin on the 4th and 8th purchase!
Complete tests about new emerging cryptocurrencies.
- Click on Earn Crypto

- Complete tests for the following cryptos. They only take about 1 minute each to complete and it will also help you learn about cryptocurrency
- Fetch.ai (FET) - $3
- Clover Finance (CLV) - $3
- The Graph (GRT) - $4
- Amp (AMP) - $3
- Stellar Lumens (XLM) - $10
- Compound (COMP) - $9